Ruizhou Knife CNC Cutting Machine

The 18th China International Fashion Brand Fair-Shenzhen

The Fashion Shenzhen Fair was held at 5th-7th July 2018 at Shenzhen. Ruizhou Technology is one of the Exhibitors.



Deep plowing industry Seventeen set of China (Shenzhen) international brand, clothing and apparel trade fairs actively seeking change. Creative formally changed its name to "Fashion Shenzhen Show" (FashionSZshow), more design sense and international image of the powers of success. After the development of the brand into an industry.Drive the new engine to fit the new round of industrial restructuring and upgrading needs deep plowing industry seventeen contained in China.

Shenzhen officially changed its name to a more sense of design and international image debut. Continue to help the brand issued a sense of design and international image Bright. 

RUIZHOU company has achieved good results in this exhibition. 



The following is the cutting samples of Ruizhou digital garment cutting machine:

cutting samples.jpg


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